How to Register

After a student receives an offer to attend Public School 9, Sarah Smith Garnet (PS9), they must be officially registered. No student may attend school without completing the registration process (including those currently attending pre-kindergarten or kindergarten at PS9).

Make an Appointment

To complete the enrollment process, a parent or guardian must make an appointment to appear at the school with the student and the required documentation. 

Please call our Secretary in charge of Pupil Accounting at (718) 638-3260 to make an appointment.

Appointments are available only when the school’s main office is open. The main office is open on school days from 8:20 am to 2:40 pm.

Required Documentation

Proof of student’s age

Birth certificate, passport, or record of baptism


Proof of student’s residence

Two separate documents are required. All options are listed below. To qualify, each document must include the name of the student’s parent or legal guardian and the address of the residence. Some documents must be dated within a recent timespan in order to qualify, as noted below.

Qualifying Bills or Receipts

Residential utility (gas or electric) issued by a utility company (such as National Grid or Con Edison); within the past 60 days

Cable television services provided to the residence; within the past 60 days

Current property tax bill for the residence

Water bill for the residence; within the past 90 days

A Rent receipt; within the past 60 days


Qualifying Documents

Lease agreement, deed, mortgage statement for the residence

Document or letter on letterhead from a federal, state, or local government agency (including the IRS, the City Housing Authority, the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, the Human Resources Administration, or the Administration for Children Services (ACS), or an ACS subcontractor); within the past 60 days

Income tax form for the last calendar year

Official payroll documentation from an employer (such as a paystub with home address, a form submitted for tax withholding purposes, or payroll receipt - a letter on the employer’s letterhead is not adequate); within the past 60 days

Voter registration documents

Unexpired membership documents based upon residency (such as neighborhood residents’ association)

Evidence of custody of the child, including but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers, must also include the name of the student; within the past 60 days


Qualifying Identification

State, city, or other government issued identification (including an IDNYC card), which has not expired 

Official NYS Driver’s License or learner’s permit, which has not expired  


Student Registration Form

The Student Registration Form is available on the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) website in all ten of the official NYCDOE languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Bengali, Russian, Urdu, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Korean, French). This form may be printed and filled out prior to registration, but it is not required. Forms are also available in the main office.


Immunization records

If available at this time. Up to date immunization is required to attend a New York City public school, but records may be submitted any time prior to attendance


Student’s latest report card/transcript

If available


Additional enrollment forms are available in ten languages on the NYCDOE website and at Family Welcome Centers.