Public School 9, Sarah Smith Garnet is a Pre-K to grade 5 NYC Public School, and in May 2024 PS9 received full International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Accreditation! PS9 is officially an “IB School ” school that serves the vibrant and diverse community of Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.
Our mission is to develop students with insatiable curiosity who are compassionate leaders. We are committed to the academic success and personal development of every child, and we celebrate our students for being their authentic selves. The IB standards offer rigorous guidelines that allow for school and classroom practices to align with the IB educational philosophy and values. The PYP is a framework for schools and their approach to learning and teaching. The PYP is transdisciplinary, meaning students learn across subject areas while inquiring into big ideas.
Upcoming Events
Curriculum Night
Check Kontella for details
PS9 Sarah Smith Garnet -
School Leadership Team Meeting
Our School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of staff and parents who develop educational policies for our school. The SLT is responsible for developing our school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP), and also make sure there are resources to support those policies.
Join us on Monday, September 23rd, 4:15-5:15pm on Zoom, for this one-hour opening meeting.
Meeting ID: 934 4525 6356
Passcode: 866232One tap mobile
+16465588656,,93445256356#,,,,*866232# US (New York)
+16469313860,,93445256356#,,,,*866232# US
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/arbRM6zqJPS9 Sarah Smith Garnet -
PTO General Meeting
Join us for the September PS9 PTO General Meeting. It's a great chance to meet other families, hear from school administration, and get information about upcoming events. You'll leave feeling more engaged with our community and what's happening at the school. During evening meetings, childcare and pizza is provided in the auditorium for kids.
The location for in-person meetings will vary based upon the time of day:
- Evening meetings (6:30-8pm) will take place in the PS9 library on the second floor
- Morning meetings (8:30-10am) will take place in the PS9 cafeteria on the basement level
Zoom information to attend remotely:
https://nycdoe.zoom.us/j/97759690040?pwd=pYOce1jfab14O7ALWS6J85H9fV6E21.1One tap mobile
+16465189805,,97759690040#,,,,*584369# US (New York)
Meeting ID: 977 5969 0040
Passcode: 584369PS9 Sarah Smith Garnet -
Rosh Hashanah Holiday
School Closed
PS9 Sarah Smith Garnet
First Day Celebration
PS9 Families: Register for These Accounts
PS9 Sarah Smith Garnet -
Early Childhood In-Person Visits
We host a series of daytime in-person Early Childhood tours for our Pre-K and Kindergarten programs. Please refer to our public calendar for any upcoming dates.
PS9 Sarah Smith Garnet
Spotlight on PS9: Elementary school farmer scientists at PS 9!
Elementary school farmer scientists at PS 9 show off some of the bright, beautiful basil harvested in their classroom!
US Dept. of Agriculture Explores Educational Hydroponics
We welcomed upstate farmers and officials from the US Dept. of Agriculture’s New York State Farm Service Agency to one of our Brooklyn farm classrooms for a visit and tour of what cutting-edge urban agriculture can look like. Joined by our Executive Director Manuela Zamora and Director of Program Development Megan Nordgren, the farmer scientists at P.S. 9 The Sarah Smith Garnet Elementary School led the way, showing off the rich strawberries, luscious lettuce and baby cucumbers growing right in their classroom.
Students also guided their guests through a harvest, collecting their crops for cleaning, weighing, and sampling, and showed off their science skills by answering questions from their harvest worksheets with ease. We’re incredibly proud of the hard work these future climate leaders are doing in their hydroponic classroom and are eager to continue setting the bar for sustainability science education in NYC.
P.S. 9 partners with NY Sun Works, who are the recipient of the 2023 Congressionally Funded Community Project (CFCP) earmark funding, thanks to support from Senator and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, as well as Rep. Yvette Clarke, Rep. Ritchie Torres, and Minority Leader & Rep. Hakeem Jeffries.