School Supplies Project

Pencils, notebooks, folders, markers, glue sticks — having this kind of basic school supplies  is critical to creating a learning environment where students can thrive, from their very first day in the classroom. But long supply lists create burdens on families, and unfulfilled requests make it hard for teachers. 

That’s why the PS9 Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) organizes the purchase of back-to-school supplies for every student at our school. We ask families at our school to make a suggested contribution of $35 per student to cover the cost of their school supplies, and to give extra if they’re able. But we have many families at our school that aren’t in a financial position to contribute.

If you would like to help cover the cost of a child’s back-to-school supplies in our community, you can do that with a donation to the PS9 PTO. 

What your gift can provide:

  • You can cover the cost of school supplies for one student with a $35 donation. (Give via our PTO PayPal account.)
  • Support three students with a $175 donation.
  • If you’re in a position to go above and beyond, you can cover an entire classroom’s supplies with a $999 donation.

Every contribution, no matter the amount, makes a tangible difference on the first day of school for our students and teachers. 

In the case that we raise funds that exceed our cost of back-to-school supplies, we will use the money to support other PTO initiatives — like bringing art and science enrichment programs to our school, funding staff support at recess, and celebrating our diverse community with cultural events throughout the year.